Coverage of Stairs and Whispers: D/deaf and Disabled Poets Write Back (co-ed.), in various UK media, including Enabled Magazine and Write Out Loud, May-June 2017.
“Utter Poetry”, The Inkslingers, Malaysia, June 2013.
“Indonesian emerging writer and disability advocate in Melbourne”, Connect Asia, ABC Radio Australia, 29 May 2013.
Emerging Writers Festival events were also covered in various Australian media, ie TimeOut Melbourne, and were covered daily by Signal Express, including events featuring Khairani Barokka.
“Khairani Barokka: Seniman Disabilitas” [“Khairani Barokka: Artist with Disability”], Feature Interview in Cita Cinta magazine, May 2013.
“Khairani Barokka: Writer/Producer”, Career Column, CLEO Malaysia Magazine (biggest-selling English-language women’s magazine in Malaysia), April 2013 Edition.
Picture of “Samudra Keram” performance with Krisna Murti installation, at Jatiwangi Art Factory, in interview with K. Murti, “New Media Art in Developing Social Power”. Requisitoire Magazine, Vol 27/2013, vol 85-89 (Indonesian and English), February 2013.
“Young People Devoting Their Lives to Disability Issues in Indonesia” [transl. from Indonesian], one of four activists profiled in Voice+ Magazine, February 2013 edition.
“SERONOK!”, Garuda Inflight Magazine, February 2013 edition.
Interviewed in “Berbagi Ruang, Berbagi Peluang” (“Sharing Space, Sharing Opportunities”) on disability rights, technology and art. National Geographic Indonesia Magazine, February 2013 Edition.
“I shared my poems with a community of talented artists”. Interview with Candy Magazine (the Philippines’ largest teen magazine). October 2012 issue. Spoke on Vermont Studio Center, poetry, inclusive arts and encouraging teenagers to pursue their passions.
"Art Therapies: A Mental Health Solution" [in Indonesian], Science section of national newspaper Kompas, September 4, 2012, including a mention of the Indonesian Street Art Database talk. First mention of term “inclusive arts”.
“Terapi Seni Jadi Sarana: Teknologi Bisa Dimanfaatkan sebagai Sarana Berkesenian” [“Art Therapy in Focus: Technology As A Tool for Art”, on the ISAD discussion], Kompas national newspaper, July 23, 2012.
Interview on 91.1FM, Canberra, Australia, including live poetry performance, November 2012.
Radio Interview and Performance, 101.3FM, Queensland, Australia. Nyaring show, 6-9AM AEST. Aired Sunday, September 16, 2012. Spoke on Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, inclusive arts and the role of technology, spoken word, street art, etc.
Guest, Asian Snapshot, Radio Australia (English service), November 9, 2012.
Interview on Radio Australia (Indonesian service), discussing arts and disability and performing live poetry, November 9, 2012.
[Not including vlog coverage online of books.]
Commentator, Zee Companion Show, Zee TV Asia, June 19, 2018.